I like /msgs

Over the past week I've had a thank you for funerals should be a celebration, a big thanks for a compliment I put in a day log, death threats for calling yossarian a beautiful assistant (see when running jokes go bad for the start of that one), a couple of messages asking for help on noding (God help those users), 3 insults and grief for Important notice to people of the USA and finally, today, most importantly ...

Sensei is alive.

I had a /msg saying his lung abcess has been drained, the pneumonia seems to have gone, but he still has a fever and isn't moving freely. So I guess it will be a while till some of my old food related nodes get C!ed, but thats not important. He's up and about.

Of course, judging by the Editor Logs, Lord Brawl was away, and we didn't miss him. Awwww, lets give him a group hug when he's next on ...