Mine, which I foolishly posted under
e2 purity test before I knew better:
Section 1: beginnings
Section 2: Nodes
Have you ever…
- Made a metanode?
- Written a daylog?
- Written a dreamlog?
- Written a Daily Evil?
- Have you ever been newsified?
- Have you ever submitted an E2 Nuke request?
- For someone else’s writeups?
- For more than 5 things at a time?
- Have you ever made a suggestion for e2?
- Was it implemented?
- Did you code it yourself?
- Have you ever Noded for Numbers?
- Have you ever noded while drunk?
- On ‘Soft’ drugs?
- On ‘Hard’ drugs?
- Did you make it known in the chatterbox?
- Have you ever added to a GTKY node?
- Did you not realize it was a GTKYN at the time?
- Did you have it nuked right away?
- Was it vote dumped on?
- Did you add a writeup specifically so it would be vote dumped on?
- Have you ever noded about noding?
- Have you ever made a nodeshell rescue?
- Have you ever made a nodeshell?
- Have you ever Autonoded?
- With everyone?
- With everyone because you didn’t want to ruin your nodefu?
Section 3: Homenode
Does your homenode have in it:
- ‘/me misses sensei’?
- A list of your top x ranked nodes?
- Your bottom x ranked nodes?
- A homenode picture?
- Do you change it regularly?
- Did you make it specifically for your homenode?
- Is your homenode pic now, or has it ever been, of a cat?
- A list of your friends on e2?
- Your enemies?
- Is anotherone on either list? (-100 points, you’re obviously perfectly sane/pure/whatever) (Unless you want to be e2 corrupt, in which case, +100.)
- Your email address?
- Is it @everything2.com?
- Is it @geek.com?
- Is it @(your e2 username).com/org/tla?
- Your ICBM home address?
- Your home phone number?
- Do you plan on adding this test score?
- Do you spend more than an hour a week editing your homenode?
- Do you have more than 20 bookmarks?
Section 4: Voting/Experience system
- Add one point for each level you are. Level 1, add 1, level 13, add 13.
- Do you know your nodefu…
- Without looking?
- To more than one decimal point?
Have you ever…
- been XP pack raped?
- Committed XP pack rape?
- Vote Dumped?
- Used an E2 Node Tracker?
- Bragged about a node’s rep?
- Nodevertised?
- Used a C! of Death?
- Have you ever sold a C!?
- Considered buying a C!? Don’t add any points, just /msg me for details.
- Considered creating a new user just to vote up your own things?
- Are you…
Section 5: Real life
- Do you know any noders IRL?
- Did you meet them after you knew them on E2?
- Is your SO on E2? (I mean real SO, who you meet regularly and have been on dates and stuff. Not like, “NoderX is my girlfriend :)”.)
- Did you meet them after you knew them on E2?
- Do you own any E2 Merchandise?
- Have you ever introduced someone to E2?
- In order to node, have you ever missed…
- Sleep? (duh)
- Class?
- Work?
- A wedding?
- Your own?
- Did you see that question coming?
Section 6: Miscellaneous
- Have you ever /msg’d a newbie?
- Are they still here because of your help?
- Do you log on every day to more than…
- 5 /msgs?
- 10 /msgs?
- 20 /msgs?
Double your points if more than half of them are from Cool_Man_Eddie.
- Are you listed in…
- Did you start any of these?
- Have you, in the course of taking this, thought of a question that should be on here?
- Are you considered a regular?
- Have you ever been made fun of publicly by…
- Dman?
- dannye?
- dem_bones? (publicly, mind you; new users are automatically sent an email from him calling them 'turdnuggets.')
- sensei?
- Have you ever used the phrase, “I remember when there WAS no XP. We noded because we LIKED it”?
- Have you ever cried at Word Galaxy time?
- Have you ever sent an angry /msg to nate because of it?
- Have you ever seen one of your own writeups in Random Nodes?
- Have you ever softlinked to offend?
- Was it commented on publicly in the chatterbox?
- Have you ever invented a term that’s used widely in E2?
- Would your life be worse without E2?
- Are you mentioned in funny chatterbox snippits?
- Have you ever sent a /msg to a bot? (Cool man eddie, EDB, Webster 1913)
- Have you ever fed a troll?
- If you aren't an editor now, have you ever wished you were?
- Do you have any devpoints?
- Do you know what a devpoint is?
- Does EDB think you look tasty a little too often?