I quit my job today.

Yes, it was coming. I knew it was. I handed in my resignation today. Excuse me while I do a little dance.

little dance!

No, I do not have another job offer yet, but I don’t care! I feel free! Freeeeeeee!!!

I finally decided what to do last night after driving around Vancouver randomly. I drove into the industrial district near all the big plants that treat waste water and make things. I got home, and I laid down in bed, and I prayed for a little while. Then, I opened my Bible, and it fell open to Proverbs 14:23. Here is what it said:

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

Its time to stop talking about getting a new job. Its time to just do it! Throw caution to the wind. Work hard at finding something else, and a better job will come my way. I can feel it.

I don’t pray as regularly as I used to, but I don’t think God hates me because I am bad about it. God knows I appreciate the turn of events my life has taken since I took another look at general Christianity. My beliefs are a lot different than most people’s, but I think God understands. God has a sense of humor.

No work tomorrow. Tomorrow is crazy doctor day. Let’s hope that tomorrow goes well. Can’t wait until next Friday... its my last day of work!!!

Nodes That I Wrote Today:

CD’s I’ve Listened To Today:

Today’s Horoscope on my Calendar - Hold everything! Out of the blue, psychic storm warnings are posted as Mercury unites with Mars and Venus loses power. Stability temporarily disappears and emotions run high. Be prepared for strange conditions in romance.

Yikes! Hopefully it will be a good evening.