

Today's stuff so far: on TV, something called Ultimate Auctions from Amazon... One more proof why "Amerikans are krazy". I mean, I couldn't watch that without laughing, the only parts that froze my smile and dropped to harsh reality were the actual auction events. The item descriptions were... oversentimental. I mean, did they build a cheese factory next to the TV studios or something?

Before you react to that, remember that many local TV programs here are not any better... =) They're still bad but at least they're bad in a different way. =)

I woke late and now I'm reading Usenet stuff... Time to face more challenges of the day!

Yeah, forgot to say this yesterday: Happy Meganode, E2!


I made a small script to submit news to YiffCam's new SQL connection thingy.

Then a thought occurred... how about a YiffCam, The Nodeball Edition?

Then I thought, maybe not. I already chose PostgreSQL as my database of choice, and Everything won't work on that yet (I still keep a MySQL installed just for my everyclone and do all "real" stuff on PostgreSQL...)

Yeah, Everything Web System is great, but why kill flies with a cannon? All I need is a HTML page and caching camera grab script, perharps some other scripts that add stuff to the page via SSI...

Besides, the webcam stuff was easy to add to everything: Add a new image-type node, with image source as the yiffcam grab script URL...


Three Snowhite viruses today in my mailbox. Wow, one in French. One less than yesterday.


And printing ISO-8859-5 (Cyrillic) texts is now possible, even when that's sort of painful.

enscript -s 2 -X cyrillic -f Teams-Normal12 rbmk-1000.txt -p - | gs -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=cdeskjet -sOutputFile=- --sPAPERSIZE=a4 /dev/stdin | lp -oraw

...involved installing scalable-cyrfonts packages, symlinking teams*.afm to the enscript "afm" directory, adding the fonts manually to enscript fonts.dir file, and adding the scalable fonts to /etc/gs.Fontmap...

This cyrillic font package uses sort of, uh, strange letter forms. You see, the text I'm reading now has information about "Реактор типа РБМК", in other words, RBMK-type reactor (The sort of thing that Chernobyl was). The word "типа", "type", looks like Latin-lowercase-letter "muna" in this font - and "muna" is Finnish for "egg" and... uh, never mind. =)