I saw King Lear in Philadelphia last night. Field trip, so to speak, with various people from the theatre department, and so including my professor (yes, that proffessor). The production was really good, I highly enjoyed it, though there was some disagreement about the costumes. Etc, so on and so forth.

Well, afterwards, four of us went out to the Iron Hill Brewery for a drink--me, my friend Brian (who directed me in a play recently), a woman named Megan (ok, if we're old enough to drink, we're too old to be called "girls" or "kids"), and my professor. It was pretty damned incredible, just talking like he wasn't a professor, like he wasn't a higher-up. Of course, I'm sitting there drinking, wanting to mount him right there, but I behaved myself (lest this become Maedchen in Uniform or something).

See, I see this as a step towards something. What, I don't know. A bigger involvement in the theatre? More people I can actually socialize with? SOMEONE I WANT NOW?!?!.

At any rate, it was fun.