June 2002, Tokyo, Japan.

7am at Tsujiki fish market with my Dad. We're dining on the freshest sashimi known to man, sipping back a couple of Kirin Ichibans and taking in the surroundings. Hangover from the previous night of Karaoke bar abuse vanishes in an instant, I feel like the king of Tokyo.

Okanjoo o onegai shimasu?
Can we have the bill please?

The owner of the sushi bar insists the beers are on the house due to Ireland's stunning performance against Germany. I give him an Irish flag I have in my rucksack and we say goodbye in a flurry of handshakes and bows.

Arigato gozaimasu! Ja ne!
Thank you! Goodbye!

The early morning beers hit my Dad and he splits back to Asakusa. I hear my inner geek whispering to me: "It's 8:30 in the morning, you have the whole day ahead of you, you're on your own in Tokyo, half cut... let's have some fun." I catch the Yamanote line to Akihabara and exit the station under a sign that says Electric City.

I am engulfed in the blazing Tokyo morning, swallowed by the throng of denizens.

I hit the play button on my MiniDisc, seeking my soundtrack. The Album: OK by Talvin Singh, Track 1 - Traveller.

I go for a long walk, lost in my perfect moment.