What is one to do when one comes across a rock strewn upon their favorite path or trail? To some the answer is obvious, instinctive, even. You gotta kick it!!

And by this I mean kick it as a compulsion. As an automatic action. As a genetic imperative.

Not everybody kicks rocks, obviously, but a keen observation of the human condition reveals that there exists a definite subset of the population whose sight of the rock upon the path immediately instills the desire to kick it therefrom.

Perhaps there is an explanation for this phenomenon in evolutionary biology. Perhaps the habitual kickers of rocks aided the tribe by unwittingly marking paths ever-more clearly over time, or unearthing treasures, or uncovering dangers.

And so if you find yourself upon the pebbled path, and feel that welling desire to kick every other stone right out of your way, let the feeling guide your foot. For you stand at the end of a long, long tradition of kicking rocks.

175-ish words, including these ones, for Brevity Quest 2024