Today, I have taken the last final exam of the semester. It was a ballroom dancing test, and I was nervous not just because of the whole test thing itself. It was not the fact that the President of the college was watching either. It was mostly because of the blonde woman who dances a lot with me. I saw her from a introductory history class in Fall, and I was thinking "why is she here?" Anyways, I danced with her because she's just there. We slipped a little, but we have gotten through hopefully with a passing grade. It's my nervousness that caused the little slips...

I talked to her after the final, and I asked her why does she want to dance with me. She said that she noticed that I am not so social in the history class, so she took it to herself to dance with me. I asked her if she's interested in going out with me, she said that she was 28 years old married and divorced. She said that I was sweet to ask (a few guys have asked her out). I asked if we could still hang out, and she said that she is taking summer classes, so she can (if I get back from North Carolina).

Why is it that I am always capable of being interested in women who are far from my... reach? Those were the days...