• School is out.
  • Play time has arrived.
  • I'm already bored?

School is out.
I get a week and a couple of days without schooling. No more tests, homework, or other annoying things that you do at school. Learning can still be done, just more relaxed. Reading is always fun, I'm reading the Odyssey right now. Unfortunately I did leave school with homework, an AP Euro take home test. They aren't too hard, but it is still going to take a couple of hours finding every answer in the long chapter book. But at least school is out!
I also have an eye doctor appointment today. I look forward to getting new glasses.

Play time has arrived.
I went to see the amusing James Bond movie "Die Another Day." I couldn't believe how much sexual content that movie had. I could go back and count about seventeen crude jokes that were sexual, and pointed to James, or one of the girl agents. I'd say the worst one is when Bond says, "I always keep my tip up," referring to his sword, *COUGH*. I also saw my girlfriend, and bought her a really cute stuffed bird teddy, a gorgeous necklace, and of course some chocolate! The rest of my play time included sleeping, eating, and playing on the computer. It's a good break.

I'm already bored?
Wow, I can't believe how fast time went by, and then slows down just to make me mad. Ugh, when there is a ton of things I can do, I just say, "there is nothing to do." I call it boredom. That is only when you arrive at the conclusion that any of things you could do, are going to take some effort, and you can't give any effort, its vacation! So I'm bored... Because I won't go do the numerous things I could do, if I put effort into it. I've only had a weekend off of school, Christmas is right around the corner, and I'm going to choose to be lazily bored.