So, now it's going into the 9th. I sit here and type, la la la. Today has been weird. They closed the pool hall early, it was weird, all the "regulars" at the pool hall were seen wandering around looking kinda lost. I got a mold for pouring ceramic spheres, I have this idea for a project.... hope it works eh?

I have this song stuck in my head... it's by shaggy called it wasn't me
Honey came in and she caught me red handed, freakin' with the girl next door. Picture this we were both buck naked bangin' on the bathroom floor. How could I forget that I had given her an extra key? All this time she was standing there she never took her eyes off me.

Sad huh? Anyways.... it's getting late and I belive it's time for bed. Have to figure out how to weasle out of a test in a psych class. Joy!