user since
Fri Jun 18 1999 at 00:36:15 (25.4 years ago )
last seen
Tue Oct 26 2004 at 01:26:42 (20 years ago )
number of write-ups
45 - View BtS's writeups (feed)
level / experience
3 (Scribe) / 973
mission drive within everything
spread the madness! (tm)
i have no talent for anything, but I'm good at that at last
Philosophical Department of the University of Berlin, Germany
It's me. Run if you can!
most recent writeup
May 21, 2004
Send private message to BtS

BtS is short for Beneath the Surface, a webchat nick created beeing deep drunk.

I gave up on serious leftism. The political left is a bunch of morons who are EXACTELY as tolerant as -let's say- the Nazis. So i found my new home in Pogo-Anarchism, which could roughly be described as bad-mannered political dadaism.
I started working dolly grip and think of studying camera once i finished philosophy.

Some random facts about me:
Music -tops and flops
as i am a music nazi, this are not my believes, this are facts!
TV Shows

Nodegel per September 23, 2002:
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