I get up, tired after nine hours of sleep, write down my dream, then snooze for a little while. I get up again, fiddle with Everything2 and the Half-life server I started running two days ago, and track the progress of the various packages currently winging their way toward me from various online retailers. After lunch, I'm ready to actually do some work, which really need to do, and I realize I never bought the book I need for class. I walk over to the campus bookstore, only to find that, in the midlle of the second quarter of my second year here at this small, selective liberal arts college, the last copy of Rousseau's Second Discourse has just been taken off the shelf by a girl I've known since fourth grade. On the way back from the bookstore I pass someone I met recently from another house, but can't think of anything more to say than "hi", to his "hi how are you how's it going", making me feel like a speechless idiot. Once back in the dorm I discover that the mail is before 4:30 for the first time in who knows how long, and I've only got the one package I was least looking forward to (correction: I am least looking forward to the package that contains The Marx-Engels Reader). Now it's time to start reading, so that I get something done before tonight.