- pound sign
- Four pounds of sunlight
- A pound of ground beef
- pound
- Ezra Pound
- pound sterling
- Dog Pound
- Foot pound
- pound puppy
- Ten pounds of nuts
- Pound Puppies
- Ode on the Mammoth Cheese Weighing Over 7,000 Pounds
- pound on
- Pound the bell
- Pound Shop
- Tozan's three pounds
- pink pound
- pound cake
- Pound pastrami, can kraut, six bagels -- bring home for Emma.
- pound book paper
- pound tag paper
- pound cover paper
- pound index paper
- pound bond paper
- pound blotting paper
- pound blanks paper
- pound postcard paper
- pound box board
- EiC (user)
- pound out
- Selling England By The Pound
- two pound coin
- One Pound Note
- pound the pavement
- Everything2 as a 300 pound kitten
- Splitting the Pound Sterling
- A letter from Ezra Pound to James Joyce
- and I claim my five pounds
- Pound for Pound
- go pound sand
- Pound a pint
- Pound of flesh
- A Quarter, A Pound. My Grandparents sleep sound.
- pound coin
- My cat does not naturally crave twenty pound ocean fish
- Penny wise, pound foolish
- Roscoe Pound
- To John Bartlett, Who Had Sent Me a Seven Pound Trout
- Unilateral 1000 pound bombs
- dollar pound
- Pound Fool (user)
- A lens on the world of spirits: The poetry of Ezra Pound
- A pint's a pound the world around
- a pound of butter
- Gendered Language in Pound and Joyce
- Assay pound
- Dick Pound
- In for a penny, in for a pound
- Federal "pound me in the ass" prison
- Give crowns and pounds and guineas, but not your heart away
- £ (node_forward)
- a pint of water weighs a pound and a quarter
- 85 pounds and holding
- pound (user)
- Pounded In The Butt By My Book "Pounded In The Butt By My Own Butt"
- 97 pound weakling
- pound of bees
- weight
- atomic weight
- ideal body weight
- Weighted Fair Queuing
- Weighted Random Early Detection
- Counter weight
- Losing Weight -- An Ill-Fated New Year's Resolution
- dead weight
- weighted average
- Weighted Average with denominator 7
- weight loss
- Carry That Weight
- The Weight of The City
- weight belt
- ApoxyButt's relativistic weight gain formula
- weight lifting
- Women and their weight problem
- Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene
- molecular weight
- Vaguely valid advice to prospective weight trainers
- Weight of the World
- Ice-eating weight loss diet
- guide to making weight
- Table of liquor specific weights
- Boxing weight classes
- This must be the night when I remember how to fly, when the breeze catches my weight at last
- center weighted metering
- Japanese weights and measures
- sash weight
- How to lose weight
- The Department of Weights and Measures
- the weight of a flock of starlings
- Weight gain during pregnancy
- Apothecaries' weight
- Troy weight
- Ideal weight chart
- The Greatest Weight
- how to gain weight
- Wheel weight
- The weight of feeling
- Weight limit notice
- weight transfer
- Losing weight safely
- Weight Watchers
- General Conference on Weights and Measures
- Free weights
- Weights and Measures
- curb weight
- Babylonian weights and measures
- Power to weight ratio
- trigger pull weight
- The Wheel of Time has collapsed under the weight of its own bloated corpse
- Draw weight
- adhesive weight
- Doug Weight
- Estimating weight loss
- weight bearing
- weighted binary search
- Chinese weights and measures
- elliptical weighted average
- Heavy Weights
- The Weight and The Density
- Weight Throw
- smoking weight
- Sad bout weight (user)
- Religion, suffering, and the overbearing weight of dogma
- weight loss (user)
- weight training
- Weight, weightless, and the scalpel's blade in-between
- Weighted Companion Cube
- Casting weight
- I put too much weight on your shoulders, I'm sorry
- density of water
- Dry weight
- How to lose weight and get a flat stomach
- the weight of his life
- She said the dance is a prayer. A prayer to toss into the tide all the weight of oblivion and humiliation. This is not a dance for one, fool - where are you?
- The weight has been lifted
- there is no weight that can bury us beneath the ghost of all my guilt
- Pie weights
- weighted automatic closing
- some words carry more weight than others
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