I was perusing my node heaven
When I chanced upon a dud I'd killed
Not out of spite or hatefulness
Nor due to lack of will
Only because bones had fired me
And I'd asked for a week or two
To clean out my weakest twee
Which had long been overdue
The writeup that I found in there
Was too close to the truth
I thought, "Would I want my daughter
Reading this pointless story from my youth?"
Then I thought of all the gems we've lost
When some good user decides to toss
It all overboard in a fit of rage
Years of work, gone missing page by page
Creases, Paraclete, ToasterLeavings
All the joy that the artist brings
Ripped out and burned upon a whim
Nothing learned; the web more dim
And yet the 'moths from years gone by
Return like clockwork with new names
Often reposting nuked and halfassed tries
That now look at least twice as lame
This is the world's worst outcome.
Why not a reprise of our best?
Let the malcontents return from whence they came
And our champions rise up from their rest.
Do they think of votes and wasted C!s?
Or are they really so wrapped up in "me"
To think there was no love in these?
That it does not merit responsibility?
And if they disturbed crucial links in here
Or, worse, collaborations,
Do they not feel they've let folks down?
That there shouldn't be recriminations?
Yes, this is just some silly site
Where users ebb and users flow;
But it's oh, so much more worse than spite
When they kill our favorites as they go.