user since
Tue Jan 4 2000 at 17:02:28 (25 years ago )
last seen
Tue Nov 12 2013 at 17:15:09 (11.1 years ago )
number of write-ups
979 - View dannye's writeups (feed)
number of write-ups within last year
level / experience
54 (Soothsayer) / 105302
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Common sense
Snap judgements
One item of lasting value for each selfish indulgence
categories maintained
Dannye's Birds, Baseball, Golf, The South, Taxi driver tales, Everyone has a dead girlfriend story, dannye and riverrun, Outside sales, dannye and moJoe, Smalltown
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It might be none or any one of us
Who stay to see this through,
Who pulls a coat in closer
And who gives his arm to you;
But who of us wouldn’t follow
From the dusty hallway
Into the early afternoon
Which of us hasn't always...?

--Joe Henry from "Charlevoix" on Shuffletown


Some Saian mountaineer
Struts today with my shield.
I threw it down by a bush and ran
When the fighting got hot.

Life seemed somehow more precious.
It was a beautiful shield.
I know where I can buy another
Exactly like it, just as round.



"I am not a well educated man except that I have educated myself, and, because I have educated myself, what I say will not stand up, for lack of recognized authority. This in turn leaves me free to say what I will, in the hope that, like those small forces that do not threaten empires and are thus not fully pursued, the things in which I believe can survive in some high and forgotten place until the power of empire subsides."

--Mark Helprin
Excerpt from
"Il Colore Ritrovato"
In his collection The Pacific


my user name at gmail
