- luck
- good luck
- Press Your Luck
- Better luck next time
- Luck Rune
- bad luck
- Sun Tong Luck
- Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky
- The Joy Luck Club
- beginner's luck
- breaking luck
- Strange Luck
- luck of the draw
- Thoughts on The Joy Luck Club
- Good Luck Father Ted
- Luck. A Story
- No such luck
- What luck for rulers that men do not think.
- Good luck charm
- The Joy Luck Fight Club
- Luck, the inverted Chinese character
- applied luck
- Herbs for luck in business ventures
- Herbs for good luck
- Lady Luck
- Battle of Midway
- Hans in Luck
- Luck is relative
- The Dirt of Luck
- Sympathy for the Mongols & How The Rise of the West was just sheer Dumb Luck
- Pushing your Luck
- Luck spreading
- The Luck of the Irish
- Don't Press Your Luck
- Devlin's Luck
- See a penny, pick it up and all day long you'll have good luck
- moral luck
- Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza
- tough luck
- Kermit's luck guides our puck
- Good Luck, Have Fun
- Luck of Eden Hall
- Wish me luck
- Good Night, and Good Luck
- lucks (user)
- Three things a man needed: faith, practice, and luck
- thirteen is bad luck
- luck (user)
- Good Luck Chuck
- A broken tower: seven years of lonely luck
- epistemic luck
- Luck and Pluck
- good luck in your war
- John's Cool Story: Tough Luck, or The Vurping from Room 2306
- ID Tag Bad Luck
- Can it still be a good luck charm if it's something you stole?
- Trying to burn my aunt Margaret at the stake
- Trying
- We're trying to have a baby
- How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
- Trying to be weird is not enough
- Trying desperately to be cool
- Tips for geeks trying to pick up girls
- Tripping while trying to sneakily check out pretty girls
- Trying to use tab completion in funny places
- that surely isn't my eye you're trying to poke, is it?
- I'm trying to see little old ladies as versions of my mom; it helps me be a better person
- Trying to stomp the life out of false hope
- Trying to explain Everything to your non-Everythingite friends
- My body is still trying to explain it to my brain
- Are you trying to get skin cancer?
- I'm stopping trying to impress people
- Trying To Get It Unwound
- Everyone is just trying to be farther meta
- trying to crack slashdot
- lost, or trying to be
- What do girls think about guys when they catch guys staring at their breasts, but the guy is actually trying to read her shirt?
- "I don't know if you are trying to upset me"
- Some things dannye taught me without trying
- Dear Woman Trying On Pants,
- In front of the tv, numb, trying not to think about it
- To me he is a daisy and I keep trying to count his petals
- Trying to catch one clear promise out of the jittery confused language the night was whispering
- Squirrels are trying to tell me something
- Stop trying to sell your sister
- trying to fix ourselves
- trying to complete some archaic sub-quest, only to be drawn into some stupid battle every five steps
- So you sit, trying to write...
- Trying to be friends
- Lonely, trying to fill herself with the concert
- Getting an education at MIT is like trying to take a drink from a firehose
- Rather than trying
- trying to manage grace in the most graceless moments
- Lucy Thinks Ricky Is Trying to Murder Her
- What I'm trying to say is that I may have unconsciously plagiarized this
- I am tired of trying to change the world one person at a time
- How to appreciate jazz without really trying
- As if that were possible, and oh the bitter-sweetness of trying
- How to fit pants without trying them on
- This dance is called: Two People, Trying to Occupy the Same Space at the Same Time
- The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA
- Double your theatre wages without really trying
- I was trying to show him my insides, you know. I like to share.
- Why are you following me? What I am trying to escape is you.
- The end of history is the nightmare from which I am trying to awake.
- Eat shit or puke trying
- for me to smell a garden without trying
- Trying (user)
- It's like trying to describe colors to a person who's blind
- A trying problem to a worthwhile solution
- A boy and his shadow standing on a long shore trying to figure out the intentions of the sun
- Alfred, At Least I'm Trying
- trying to be a feminist
- Trying to Understand
- Man trying on shoes
- Trying To Know You Are Gone
- Trying to read
- I am trying to break your heart
- Trying to blog
- Two lost souls trying to find each other
- none of us are actually breathing, we are just trying to breathe
- And while the angel and the succubus are arguing, I'm trying to make sure Faust doesn't stop breathing
- So I'm wrestling with the demoness while the priest is trying not to soil his vestments, and Faust is just sitting there like an idiot
- I always sound Irish when I'm trying to be charming
- Trying the Canadian Poutine
- So while Faust is busy trying to wipe the blood off his face and Shorty's trying to claw his eyes out, I mosey away and try my hand at storming the castle
- What are you doing? Why aren't you busy trying to save the world?
- I've been trying to count the stars
- sometimes it feels like the world is trying to tell me to wake up
- The hummingbird who kept trying to get into church
- Trying to keep up with technology, when the quiet full moon is momentarily more than enough
- Some needlessly emo poetry trying desperately hard to make a pun midway through
- They're trying to wash us away
- what i'm trying to show you is something that i was shown
- trying to put together a single jigsaw puzzle from two different boxes
- We're not trying to fool one another, honestly. We're trying to fool ourselves. Please forgive us.
- Anyone who tells you there is only one correct way to write a novel is trying to sell you a book.
- She crashed her car trying to avoid a butterfly
- i can't fit it all in but by god, i will keep trying
- Trying to remember what love felt like
- i've been trying to get back to the center
- stop trying so hard, and just do. you'll do better.
- never stop trying to capture the uncapturable. it helps us all.
- we all spend ten years trying to find our voice
- we're just trying to figure out what it all means
- i'm trying not to be a prisoner of time
- Here's the thing about trying to blow up the Earth
- we are trying to get a message back through the stargate
- fatigued from trying to keep up with all of the changes
- To Reach My Love While Dying Trying
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