- Around the World
- US Policy on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Around the World in 80 Days
- They will run away and leave us forlorn and empty
- the world is big enough for all of us. it has to be.
- Sending cash through the mail
- The adoption of area bombing by Britain and the U.S. in World War II
- WorldsAway
- They're trying to wash us away
- they are waiting for us to return to them, beneath and away
- Feminism, as influenced by the world around me
- Should the Wide World Roll Away
- Selected examples of ice melt around the world
- It would be a less interesting world if we all walked and skipped alike, and never fell from bicycles.
- The World Without Us
- One must trust in the law, and keep within the heart the knowledge that the law of this world is the same right and just law that governed us when we were merely stars.
- U.S. Army code names in World War II
- And then you made the world go away for a little while
- The wonderful, fascinating world of the 2016 US Presidential Elections
- The Day the World Went Away
- Keep us away from us
- Rings Around The World
- Sailing Alone Around the World
- All Around the World or The Myth of Fingerprints
- Children are the same all around the world
- Race Around the World
- Fragments of the world are falling away, and we're tripping over the holes they leave behind
- The béarnaise gave us away
- the truth is all around us, all the time, singing at full volume
- The World is too much with us
- Having someone wrapped around you, looking into your eyes, inches away from your face, smiling the cutest smile in the world and giving you quick little kisses on the nose is the greatest feeling anywhere ever
- before either of us had to turn away
- The world is warm and likes having us in it
- Blow Us All Away
- Around the World with Willy Fogg
- there is a place where the dead live. it is in us. it is all around us. it is more than we can understand.
- A pint's a pound the world around
- At night, when we walked by the wall, the world seemed to fall down before us - the whole, far-off, dirty world.
- Around the World with Auntie Mame
- Mailing personal effects around the world
- Sheila dashes madly into traffic as Euros flutter down around us like injured butterflies
- through chaos as it swirls, it's us against the world
- E2 around the world (e2poll)
- All sparks and melting everything around us
- The whole world smells like a laundromat and bud. Good bud, bud that makes you feel like the early days. Take your bong to the laundromat. Pass it around.
- In the world I see, you're stalking elk through the forests around the ruins of Rockefeller Center
- leaves spiralled around us like a benediction
- Russell Crowe: Fightin' Around the World
- Sex Around the World
- My adulterous thoughts, they fly around the world.
- Strange similarites of words around the world
- Cooking Conversion Table
- The world does not revolve around Glasgow
- You're not from around here, are you?
- fool around
- The world is greatful you decided to push the wagon.
- I walk around when I'm high
- sleeping around
- Running around that thing with all the stuff everywhere
- What Comes Around Goes Around
- pelicans fall all around
- eight hands around
- Boot the gong around
- Fart around
- Get around
- running around in circles
- Hula hoops are round, they're staying round, and they'll be around forever
- Turn around
- Kicking around
- Louse around
- You turn around and suddenly notice that they are growing up
- If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody's around, does it make a sound?
- Old chestnut: Carrying a ladder around a corner
- Answer: Carrying a ladder around a corner
- kluge around
- wound around the axle
- wrap around
- For hanging around with your shiftless friends
- The Kingdom by the Sea : A Journey Around the Coast of Great Britain
- wrap your tongues around truth
- All Around the Mulberry Bush
- Run around like chickens with their head cut off
- her arms around me
- Standing around scowling
- Throw your hands (up) in the air, (and) wave them all around like you (just) don't care
- Ring around the Rosie
- Standing around with your teeth in your mouth
- Ring Around the Roses
- Wandering about with keys dangling from an oversized shoelace around your neck
- Walking around the house naked
- Floating around in a sea of milk clinging desperately to a Cheerio
- Why people put quotes around words on signs
- She ties regrets around her fingers like forget-me-knots
- You're never around when I need you
- Passing the baby around like a peace pipe
- When I look around, I see so much pain that mirrors my own
- How to sneak around the house late at night
- What we talked about when we were reading around the subject
- I followed the light in her eyes around the room, staying within range
- The worst days in my life seem to revolve around my cars
- Dressing up in a chicken suit and running around the golf course
- What Comes Around
- A game which involves running around at night with white plastic chairs
- The Ring of Brightest Angels Around Heaven
- Tying a sweater around your waist to make a weird kind of kilt thing
- How babies get around
- How to eat your way around the Baltimore beltway, exit by exit: Exit 15
- How to eat your way around the Baltimore beltway, exit by exit: Exit 14
- How to eat your way around the Baltimore beltway, exit by exit: Exit 26
- prancing around nude
- Green Around the Gills
- Green Grass Grows All Around
- Huddled around the story as if it were a fire
- The Shop Around the Corner
- Alligators All Around
- Shop Around
- Overanalyzing promotional posters around school
- All right. She can fly circles around Uranus, but where's the bathroom?
- When she was new, she rolled around the sky like a black umbrella blown by the wind
- Emergency Burger King maneuver, or: Sliding around a Tri-Met bus
- Around an empty grave
- Getting nervous around girls
- The only significant bit of nonsense I carried around in those days
- You see them driving around, rubbing the sleep out of their eyes
- How Till Eulenspiegel Travelled around with a Skull
- Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate, One Second before Awakening
- Reel Around The Fountain
- I want to be the air around you.
- He called around 5:30
- If you fuck around with nature, nature will fuck around with you!
- Great Days Out Around Cambridge 2001
- Secret places around Georgia Tech
- gonna walk around (user)
- Clowning Around
- Around nine PM my heart was breaking so I went to bed early to listen to it happen.
- She is in the heartbeat you hear around you, listen
- One sock on (or: Getting caught fooling around by the cops)
- They are building a fence around the sidewalk
- How to turn around in the street
- Knifin' Around
- The walls she had built around herself cracked and crumbled
- Beat around the bush
- Around Alone
- You young people, going around smoking your heroin tablets
- Walking Around
- Abort Once Around
- Petals around the Rose
- I was throwing around useless proverbs when all she needed was to be held and told that she was beautiful
- All around me
- people were milling around at my wake, whispering and glancing. afterwards, my wife took a twirl with the embalmer
- Coyote pups running around in the tea-colored rain, and the gypsy's kids hypnotized me.
- cancer kids hangin around out by the trains
- Up, down, flying around... (e2poll)
- Twice Around
- Around the Fur
- LeeAnn drives Michael around
- around you I plot the stars
- Composing music while bombs are falling all around
- The sky lay around you
- Waiting Around Saturday
- The old hands you’ve baked around hers
- Violent Scenes Around Filling Stations
- Where songs that are played around campfires with a harmonica come from
- A reddish glow is clearly visible all the way around the horizon, but the moon, alas, remains hidden
- Where an old man of Aran goes around and around
- Lame blue poems around one hedgehog
- the ideas contained within green wax paper, wrapped around roses
- Or he'll just kick me in the face and scream abstract noises and dance around outside in his underwear and have sex with the neighbor's dog and try to fly by jumping off the toilet
- Somewhere around Warwick Avenue
- Hear blessings dropping their blossoms around you
- Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal
- Somehow, the cats are still around
- I look around and see only sandals. Looking up I find myself in the presence of Gods.
- Everything Quest: You kids stop your fighting or I will turn this car around so help me God
- A great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel
- the lake around which are a thousand tiny fires
- The tweakers are all around me, demanding tacos and Sudafed
- The drunker I am, the better I am at pool. Or is that the other way around?
- we can all just be around other people
- I just follow the sun around
- The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.
- just another walk around the neighborhood
- just around the corner
- you can put your arms around a memory
- waiting for his arms to fold like wings around her
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