This is a corollary of the old expression, "Everyone thinks they are an above-average driver, so half of everyone is wrong."

I never have met a girl who thought that she gave a bad blowjob. Whether it's just mild sexual innuendo like...

"You suck."
"Yeah, and I do it real well. :) "

...or the women who expectantly look up at you after finishing the job expecting you to tell them they're the second coming of Christ or something.

I have this nasty habit of telling the truth a lot, and one time after I was the recipient of said blowjob my then-girlfriend (we had just started dating) asked me how it was. My reply of "It was alright...but please, less teeth next time?" was enough to send her storm out of the room crying...
Y'know, it took me five years to find someone who could give good head. Really, I thought there was something wrong with me, by this point. With everyone talking about blowjobs as if they were the holy grail of sexual interaction, and my own perception that they were overrated, it was a bad scene.

Actually, while I'm on the topic, one of the few things more rare than someone who gives good head, is someone who knows how to give a good handjob.

I mean, it's unfair, I suppose... Most men who're going to be getting handjobs have had at least a few years solo practice at it, and expecting someone else, especially someone who doesn't have a penis of their own to practice on to compare... Well, it's not gonna happen.

But that's a whole other node in itself...

Giving good oral sex is a skill to be cultivated, and it doesn't come naturally to 99% of women (or men) out there. If you're not comfortable talking about the fact that his dick is in your mouth, you're not going to do a very good job, probably.

Giving oral sex is worth the effort to learn, people. That goes for men, too. I haven't looked at the FAQ in a few years, but I recall that being a good first resource, being written by Elf Sternberg and all...Or, just use a partner, and communication. Probably better that way.

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