Begun in Harlem in the 1920s in the black jazz scene and slowly spread out through white musicians and intellectuals. Get the music from Stash records - probably out of print.
ace ball beat blow blowtop blow your lid/top bright bring down bringdown bring time bunk habit bust bust your conk cap cathouse chops climb's on somebody collar all jive connection cop a deuceways cop a slave creep pad croaker do a houdini dog around drugg early black fall in fall out fay freebie funk funky gangbuster gasser gauge golden-leaf grefa gunja half-hipped hard-cutting mez hip hipster hit the jug hop hophead jive junkie kick killer king kong lay lay it on somebody layout light up mellow the mezz mezzroll motherferyer muggles ofay pad peckerville peepers pick up on pill plant you now and dig you later play hip put somebody on reefer roach salty scat scoff back send shroud-tailor shying signify simpy sniffer snow solid stash stick of tea tall tea tea-pad tog top turf twinklers twister two's and fews viper weave the four f's around somebody weed white stuff wooden kimono yen hok
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