From PaladinZ's write-up: "Choose Your Own Adventure was a series of 184 wildly popular books that presented readers with a branching storyline. At the end of every page or so, the reader was presented with a choice. Depending on the choices you made, you were told to go to other pages where the story continued (or your character died, whatever). "
Sound familiar?
I recently added some extra RAM to my system to accommodate the massive amounts of browser windows I have open all the time.
Where do these windows come from?
I was always one of those kids who
hated dying in Choose Your Own Adventure books. And it wasn't even just
dying, I couldn't stand the idea that I might have missed something really
As a result I frequently bookmarked and wrote down pages, doubling back again and again, like some confused shortest path algorithm.
What's the point?
I still can't shake the habit.
When I get to the bottom of a write-up, I often see a soft link I'd like to check out, and, almost immediately, two others that I just have to see too. And thus the madness begins.
"Ooh, vocal percussion, The Bottom Two Layers of Ethernet, AND Dead Baby Jokes?!
I MUST HAVE THEM ALL! (Frantic right clicking and browser popping)
Indeed, I've spent many a night staying up far longer than I had planned due to this addictive habit. I've gotten to the point where I have to make myself close the browser instances before I scroll down enough to see the soft links.
I can't help it! JOHNNY 5 LOVE INPUT!