user since
Fri Jan 26 2001 at 17:09:42 (23.6 years ago )
last seen
Thu Aug 15 2024 at 18:23:08 (1.2 months ago )
number of write-ups
123 - View Catchpole's writeups (feed)
level / experience
11 (Literatus) / 6745
C!s spent
mission drive within everything
Aberdeen football club restored to greatness
third verse same as the first
most recent writeup
The mournful fate of big dirty 8
Send private message to Catchpole

I asked Jessica to marry me.

She said yes.

Stay tuned for more updates.

you can solve all your little problems through a proof by contradiction

says little and is patient

I am 28 years old.

I am an actuary. I like numbers. And words. I may write again soon.

My user name is also my surname. Some may say this shows a lack of imagination.

You can find me on EMAR. /msg me instead.

catbox excerpt #1:

Septimus - "on closer inspection, E2 seems much less a community effort than the obsession of half a dozen rather smart people with infinite spare time"

the penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men

Updated write-ups:

Aberdeen Football Club - 12/8/04
Peter Mandelson - 12/8/04
Winning Oscars by playing characters with disabilities - 12/8/04
Super Furry Animals - 20/10/03
Killing of a Flashboy - 18/9/03
I Hate Israel - 18/9/03

Ich bin ein Britnoder

If you are interested:

I cannot be bothered to faff around with gizmos like the e2 annotation tool. Please /msg me instead. Thank you

things I may node in the future:

Our Man in Havana
Boiling a Frog
Pixel Juice
Ronnie O'Sullivan
Timothy Garton Ash
Ferenc Puskas
Julie Walters
Alan Bleasdale
John Carpenter

Node row is addictive, watching all those nodes been marked for a better place. Have a look and see that didn't make the grade today.

Who speaks, knows not; who knows, speaks not

"Dopo la letteratura e l'eros, il calcio e uno dei grandi piaceri"
Pier Paolo Pasolini

Obligatory Bill Hicks quote: "All governments are lying cocksuckers"

(thank you Christopher Brookmyre)

hello to all the noders I've met, and all those I haven't

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0+-OO-----O-------------O------------O---------------------------> now

end transmission

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