While it seems that the majority if not the entire content of this GAP node are subjective, here is a purely factual node about the company that I work for.

Formed by Don and Doris Fisher in 1969, GAP started as a single store. Located in San Francisco and employing a modest number of workers, the store sold Levi's jeans, white t-shirts, and khaki shorts. The store was quickly recognized at a location to purchase Levi's at a discounted price. In 1976, GAP goes public, offering 1.2 million shares of stock on the New York and Pacific stock exchanges. Don and Doris Fisher are made into instant multi-millionaires.

In 1983, GAP bought the Banana Republic chain, and incorporated it into GAP, Inc. At this time, the current president of GAP, Inc. was named president of the GAP division, Millard Drexler. In 1986, GAP opens it's first GAP Kids store, and also becomes an international force, as it opens its first store outside of the United States.

Other milestones in the history of the company include 1994, when GAP, Inc. released it's newest brand, Old Navy. In just four years of existence, Old Navy achieves its one billion annual revenue in 1997. Also in 1997, GAP, Inc. introduces it's online medium at gap.com.

Today, GAP, Inc operates in six countries, including the United States, France, Great Britain, Japan, Germany, and Canada. GAP, Inc's GAP division is listed second in the United States in annual revenue, behind Abercrombie & Fitch.