An Open Letter to Macy's regarding Tits.
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I'm sorry for going on again, but there are currently two things that are pissing me off - one is that very few people seem to be talking about preventing breast cancer, and very few people are providing the services that survivors actually need.

So I sent Macy's this letter:

Why on earth don't you supply brassieres for women who have had a mastectomy? My wife has just turned 42 and wants a pretty bra. She has just spent a year in Hell going through treatment for breast cancer (including the removal of one breast - imagine that!), and needs some cheering up.

One in seven (1 in 7) American women will get breast cancer. ONE in FOUR (that's 1 in 4, people) are under 40 (forty). Many of these women have mastectomies.

Not all of these women want, or can have, breast reconstruction surgery, and believe it or not, they want pretty bras!

My wife visited the [Sacramento] store (we live in Davis, as you can see) and was dreadfully upset when the sales associate told her "No" when asked "Do you sell mastectomy bras?¹"

We're frankly disgusted that a major American store does not stock bras for these women,especially given your apparent support of women with breast cancer. I doubt that my wife will ever visit Macy's again. I certainly won't, and we will be going elsewhere for the bridal gift we were going to purchase.

I have just spent a year nursing my new wife through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. I'm damned if I want to be counselling her when she comes back from a shopping trip.

P.S. I understand that there is another department store, known as Nordstrom's, that does sell them. We would love to know why a major American store does not supply the products that its female customers (and presumably, staff) need.

Your call.

Kevin Weedon.

I never got any reply.

Despite the fact that we can buy them online, many women choose to buy their underwear from an actual store, with an actual salesperson. I would rather go into the store for advice on lingerie, too. I'm mad about this, so mad in fact, that I am going to arm myself with a spare tit and go in to Macy's again. Just to see for myself. "I'd like a bra to fit this size of boob, please!"

Update: My lovely wife has just added to the mix with an open letter to Title 9 Sports.

¹ A mastectomy bra has inbuilt pockets for breast prostheses - either gel or foam, normally, but tit bits too!

TheDeadGuy says I remember my dad's girlfriend having this problem back when she first had her masectomy, that she hated being told she had to shop in a "special store" like she was some kind of freak now. You'd think Victoria's Secret would jump on this and turn it into a whole new line, the "I can't believe it isn't tit!" line or something.

Laura Elizabeth says There are sexy undies out there: In Atlanta: ( and and - pass this information onto your local stores and the first site, amoena, offers training in how to fit bras properly.

(R) breast and (R) axilla - Caught in the medical machine - Going Amazonian - When the Breast Fairy Comes - So there we were, in Oncology, wishing for Star Trek technology - Weddings, and other Sundrie Diversions - Support the Amazons: A Dual-Function Ninjagirls Bakesale for Boobies - Seven Down, One to Go - 1950s technology meets 21st-century woman. - Getting better, but cancer SUCKS