How to make your own starch

What you will need:

What To Do:

  1. Peel and grate 3 large potatoes over the chopping board.
  2. Half fill the bowl with water.
  3. Put the grated potato into the hanky and tie it up.
  4. Dip the hanky in the water and bring it back out again. Squeeze it very hard back into the water.
  5. Keep doing this until the water is really cloudy.
  6. Leave the water in the bowl for approximately 1 hour.
  7. White powder should have settled at the bottom of the bowl.
  8. Carefully pour off as much of the clear water above the powder as you can. Leave the powder for a couple of hours to dry out. Evaporating the water off.

What Happens:

The powder you made is starch.

Why It Happens:

Plants and animals make starch as a way of storing sugars. Potatoes, barley and wheat all have large amounts of starch. When you eat foods high in starch, chemicals in your digestive juices change the starch to sugars that can be used by your body. Starch is also put onto cloth to give it weight and make it smooth. The starch you have made can be used this way while ironing.