About Me, That Guy - Hi, I'm Mike. But why is my username 'Pylon' you ask? Well, I got the nickname from people severely butchering my last name. It's really a long story, but in the end the nickname stuck and I've been using it since. As for me - Mike - the guy behind the username, I enjoy a random smattering of activities. I'm an enlisted 0311 in the United States Marine Corps (now a reservist), work for the Jesuits, live in Boston, profess Roman Catholicism, and graduated from Boston University (MS) and Siena College (BA).
I haven't been active on E2 in a while; my last article was in 2004. Unfortunately, I rarely get the chance to log in and read vast amounts of nodes like I used to. Sooner or later, I promise... I'll come back. =)
Attention Noders in Need of Votes: I'm finding myself with more and more votes (and C!s) to spend, and less and less time to scan the nodegel. So, in typical lazy fashion, I'll get you to do it for me. If you have some writeups that you think could use some upvotes, and they're factual with at least several paragraphs of information, just /msg me. Noders of all levels are welcome. Just send me hardlinks to any deserving writeups. I'll vote on them the next time I stop in, and promise I'll only offer upvotes or advice for improvement (if I can't consciously upvote it). You'll get no downvoting from me. If it's exceptional noding, I may even give it a shiny C! FREE VOTES, COME AND GET YOUR VOTES.
Participants: {#} {#} {#} {#} {#}
E2 Milestones
- Level 2 on Jan 8, 2002 with OD Green
- First Multiple C!ed Writeup on April 16, 2002 with Gettysburg National Military Park
- First Blessing on May 8, 2002 from Demeter for Allied Bombing on Schweinfurt
- 1000th XP on June 11, 2002 with C! from RubenAzarja on Pope John XXIII
- Graduated from mentoring with Professor Pi on June 23, 2002.
- Level 3 on August 19, 2002 with U-571.
- Cool Ratio passed 50% on September 21, 2002 with C! from wertperch on Helmut Möhlmann.
- Cool Ratio passed 75% on January 31, 2003 with C! from mauler on Wolfgang Lüth.
- Level 4 on June 30, 2003, via increasing merit on the Honor Roll from generous upvotes.
- First C! given to Landmark Theatre by Emerald Eyes on July 1, 2003.
- Listed #1 in the Other Users list at 7:43AM, server time, on August 28, 2003.
- Logged in May 14, 2010 and discovered I had somehow been promoted to Level 6. Good God, man! How did this happen?
Cheers to these Noders because they are as cool as refrigerated pudding:
Nodes to Node
- 1906 San Francisco Earthquake - In Progess now on the Scratch pad. Feel free to peek.
- Lieutenant General
- New York
- Reichskanzler
- Apostolic See
- Waffen-SS - At request of a friend.
- Heer
- Third Reich
- Army Air Corps
- Monsignor
- Surface Warfare Officer
- Suggestions welcome, assistance welcome.
In the Event of an Emergency:
Exits are located at the front and rear of the homenode. In the event of emergency, the exit signs will light up. While the homenode is in session, we ask that there is no talking, eating, jazzercizing, or excommunication. Please keep your arms and legs inside the homenode at all times. Offer not valid in Puerto Rico, Libya, and Utah. Many will enter, few will win. Void where Permitted.-----BEGIN NODE CODE BLOCK-----
Version: 0.1.2
NF l++ xp+ n- C- H+ c+ e+ # d D- p+>++ g>++++ N
Version: 3.12
GH/CS/MU d+ s++:-- a--- C+++ U*+>++++ P+ L+
E W+++$ N+ o K w--- O- M+++ V PS-- PE++ Y PGP-
t+ 5- X R tv+ b++ DI++++ D+ G>+++
Don't ask me why some of these are bookmarked. Some are outstanding nodes that everyone should read, some are bookmarked so I can C! them