I'm a Nice Guy I have a wife and family who I take care of. I honestly try to understand others and be nice to them. No I do not feel that I am lacking in social graces or less endowed. I am simply a good guy. I try to make my wife happy and I help others when I can.

But I can tell you that nice guys finish last. It may not be because of the niceness but rather many nice guys are not very assertive. Assertive is not aggressive

Through college I would have the most wonderful conversations and friendships but when I tried to move them into a romantic mode. The response was you're great as a friend. I ended up marrying a woman just because I didn't want to hurt her feelings by breaking up with her. I did get a divorce and got screwed over by her because I wanted to be a nice guy and take care of her and my daughter and her lawyer took advantage of it.

I've since remarried and take care of both my daughters. My wife loves me and I love her. And I am still a nice guy.

But I still see that nice guys finish last

I am a swinger (which is not the issue to discuss here) and this lets me interact with others in a way that a monogamy would not. I've seen peope who are wonderful date/sleep with/ marry others who are admited assholes and while I am a friend and genuinely care for them I'm dumped or pushed aside.

While this is a tiny view of the world, after all I'm only one nice guy, I've seen so many that are with the mean guy I begin to wonder what the benefits are to being a nice guy. I know that I used to be a lot more insecure and a very small ego but I've gotten better. I've overcome many of my insecurities and feel I'm a much better person.

I'm not going to give up being a nice guy but when has the nice guy become successful? When is he respected. If you look at our world the majority of people in power are not nice guys.