The universe has seen fit to punish me for something I didn't do, even worked actively against. Samriel Siolle. I refuse to node the specifics, as I have tried to give up showing such personal parts of myself to strangers instead of the people I know and love. Also, at least one of the persons involved are on the site, if not actively.
Otherwise, life is peachy. Work is well, one of my ex-girlfriends finally dumped a boyfriend who was bad for her, and I go home this weekend to visit family and friends. Unfortunately, I am not able to attend the Ohio gathering. Thanks to Void_ptr and Gone Jackal for doing their best to get me there. Have fun, all. I'll try to call in and catch the party. Hisenna!
Last of all, I've been trying my hand at informal mentoring. Maybe I'm just remembering my neophyte stage. Well, if any newbies are reading this, my /msgbox is always open.
UPDATE: I've been vacillating on the issue of the Ohio gathering, and I'm sure zot-fot-pig is insanely pissed at me, and dreads looking into his /msgbox in case there's another one from me. Sorry zot. Gone Jackal has offered to take me, and it just might work. *sigh* I don't know... it seems this whole week is doomed. I don't want to bring my chaos to Columbus and ruin anyone else's day. But, if I keep talking with GJ, I'm sure I'll make it. He's damn persuasive.