"Oh my god. Which god would that be? The one that created you, or the one that created me?"

Do you ever think about the tree of knowledge of good and evil? What the hell was god thinking? That's like giving someone a box for their birthday present and adamantly telling them not to open it. And what's so wrong with understanding the difference between good and evil? Without that, Adam and Eve could've sinned all they want, even killing other people, but as long as they didn't realize their sin, they would be exonerated of any guilt. It's similar to a retarded person getting off even though he's slain his mother.

To me, hard drugs can be related to that forbidden fruit. In and of itself it is not evil, so to speak. And then the high itself is not wrong. In fact, forget applying morality to something as human as controlling one's state of mind. The consequences of doing drugs is quite simple: now you know. Warning, you cannot unknow. Once you've experienced the bliss, in what way is it logical to forsake that state of mind? Obviously, you have to weigh up all the negative consequences of drug use, and maybe even fully experience them, before you decide to stop. The problem is that usually by this time you're physically addicted, and because you can't unknow, you'll be mentally addicted for the rest of your life.

Now why am I waxing redundant to the person I've had this and related conversations with the most? Beats me. I guess I just wanted to hear the keystrokes of my own mind.

Do you realize that the internet is a step in man's evolution? A major step. It is the first occurrence of humanity's hive-mind. Think of the bugger queen from the Ender series. We as humans are not devised that way however. We have to become active participants in our own evolution. I was in the bookstore the other day and had the pleasure of reading an entire book while I was there. What a bargain. This book was authored by the creator of Dilbert, Scott Adams. God's Debris: A Thought Experiment was highly entertaining, even if it treated difficult philosophical and metaphysical problems in a flippant manner. I recommend it.

One cool idea was the thought that the Big Bang was in fact god destroying himself. If you are omniscient, than you have no need to learn anything. There is no such thing as self-improvement. God is not even subjected to experiencing boredom. Being presented with all this, Adams theorizes that there is only one thing that god would do as a challenge for himself. You guessed it: destroy herself. And yet, god's destruction is not an end, but rather the beginning to an unknown process, which we are intimate participants in. We are just one step along the way of God's Debris coming together to recreate god. This would do wonders for the fact that god seems to be largely absent, or separated, from humanity's plight. Cool idea methinks.

I'm not sure if this is an adequate explanation for the tendencies of evolution. Why does evolution consistently create more complex organisms and stellar objects? This flies directly in opposition to the laws of thermodynamics. Physicists have not found any demonstrable force, law, or proof that explains this tendency. It is truly mystical.

Lately I've been fixated on Super String Theory. I've always been a sucker for metaphysics, and this theory is out there, still on the fringe of accepted physical theories and models, and definitely reaching for logical substantiation. It is a fascinating subject though. To summarize, SST describes a universe where all objects of matter (ie a quark) and energy (ie a photon) are not actually point objects, but only appear to be because of their size, which is smaller than the Planck length. These bits of the universe are the result of tiny string's, closed in a circular loop at two dimensions, vibration. Different vibrations result in different objects. How beautiful to think that the Universe can be thought of as one of the most complex and harmonic symphonies imaginable. One of the results of this theory is that the universe is actually comprised of ten dimensions, and physicists explain away the fact that we only live in four dimensions (don't forget time) by saying that the other six dimensions collapsed upon themselves early in the history of the universe. We're talking about when the universe was only a few milliseconds old. Like I said, interesting, but still deep in the early stages of inception or usefulness.

If you have read down this far, congratulations!, you get a cookie.