Dear the word "to",
I dislike you. You are an infinitival marker and a preposition. Were you dissatisfied JUST being one? Please remember a few points. Prepositions are a closed class of words. You are among an elite few, jerkface. In some languages, there is no one word equivalent to your position as infinitival marker. They enjoy verb ending: -ar, -er, -ir, etc. Would you like it if you were reduced to an affix? I didn't think so.

To further my case against you (See, I can't even write a letter to you without using you), you are a heterographic homophone. Your phonic pals "two" and "too" feel a little neglected. You're easier to write, even though you don't quite make sense phonologically. Scrabble players can't score points off you easily, because your letters are so frickin' common.

In summary, you should be thankful we keep you around.