It snowed more today.

Sure is shaping up to be a shitty spring if this is how it's going to be. I'm not big fan of hot weather, but I'm sick of winter by now, I'm ready to go swimming now and then, I'm ready to put my jacket away in the closet, and not take it out until the leaves begin to change.
At least today it warmed up enough to let me leave he house for a few hours, go play some pool, get off the internet.

I figure I'm already going to get arthritis from typing, but I should at least rip myself from the monitor for a few hours a day so that I can avoid getting some nasty form of cancer from the radiation.

So, I was noding last night when ephealy announces that he finished a "big project".
So I do a user search.

You need to see the work this noder has done, it is amazing.
And on top of being amazing, it's really inspired me to do something good for E2. I've always wanted to put up good stuff on E2, but this has made me really want to do something substantial.

I've started updating all the "DJ" nodes that I think need a little bit of spiffing up (DJ Spooky, DJ Rap, DJ Funk, etc.). But this doesn't really seem substantial...
I used to be into doing Frank Zappa Lyrics, but that got old quickly.
I'd really like an E2 quest to start up. I know it will be a while, though, the editors and gods need a "human" way to grade them.

I've never participated in a quest, so I'll be sure to jump in on the next one that comes around.