For the sake of generality, "bean soup" now exists!
For a particular bean soup:
Navy Bean Soup
- Ingredients:
Note: fresh vegetables can be used as well. They'll need to cook longer, but just estimate the amounts based on a can.
- Chop onions. Smush1 carrots and tomatoes. Add them all together.
- After that bit has cooked a while, add the beans -- 3 cans whole, 1 can smushed.
- Add a little water (if necessary) and seasonings.
- Cook, cook, cook....
1 The thing with
smushing is to thicken the
soup. It's essentially the same as the
chili secret.
Mashing, smashing, and smushing beans will give you
much more flavor. And let you get a little stress out.
Live it up! -fb