I was out of town over the weekend somewhere near George, Washington (which is a city in the U.S. State of Washington in case that looks a little strange) for a concert by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers at the Columbia Gorge Amphitheater. The concert was great and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

But being out of town and basically in the middle of nowhere I totally missed the news of Douglas Adams' death. It really saddened me to hear this. When I was in high-school, me and many of my friends read his books. We would joke about them and talk about what we thought were "the best parts".

I particularly remember that the year I took "Trig" we had to buy graphing calculators. These came in soft, black leather cases. But when you pulled them out you saw row after row of strange buttons. It was shocking and intimidating. So I made up a sticker with the words "Don't Panic" printed in large, friendly letters and stuck it to the calculator case.

I think to mourn his death I will now head straight to the bar down the street and order a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster.