12:30 EET

Excuse me, but I would like to point out that getting only 4.5 hours of sleep sucks ass.

This was the 3rd night this year I had this strange acute insomnia attack. My pulse was fast and I was sweating, unable to sleep. There wasn't any apparent mental/physical stress to cause this effect.
I do understand that this isn't a serious case of sleeplessness. After all, 4.5 hours is better than no sack time at all. When my mother suffered from depression years ago, she didn't sleep for 3 nights in a row and had to take pretty heavy medication for a good while. My father has had problems with his back which have kept him up half of the night every now and then for years. So I really should stop whining about my microscopical troubles and get on with my day.

I dug my old Magic: The Gathering cards out of my closet yesterday. I was so hooked on that games years back.. There still are some quite rare and valuable ones I haven't sold. Better check what they are worth these days.
A good friend was over while I checked my closets and boxes for more cards, and we made plans to spend the friday night playing MTG just for the nostalgia. Naturally we are going to research the effects of herbal remedies to playing the game, purely for the interest of science of course.