(wait a few seconds)
*eyes begin to water*
(squeeze them shut)
*suppress cough*
(feel the drips form at the back of your throat)
*throat starts to go numb*
(take a pull from your beer)
*quickly followed by your brain*
(go out and conquer the universe)
*rush begins to fade*
(repeat as often as necessary)
*paranoia sets in*
(go home and try and go to sleep)
*wrestle with your thoughts*
(finally pass out)
*fractured sleep*
(cold sweats)
*next day*
(daylight hurts your eyeballs)
*try and recall the events of the night before*
(head throbs like a freight train)
*wonder why the hell you’re doing this in the first place?*
(realize you’re an idiot)
*feel guilty*
(make promise to quit)
*finally get help*
(live a better life)