There are a number of stories about where 4:20 comes from.

One of the most widespread is that 420 used to be the /California|Monterey|Oakland|anyplace in Cali/ police code for marijuana smoking in progress. This is simply not true. and both say that 420 is not the police code for anything anywhere.

They seem to support a story that a group of stoners from San Rafael calling themselves the Waldos came up with it around 1971 as a code for them to use during high school for anything pot-related when they couldn't talk about stoner stuff in front of parents or teachers. However, at this point the stories diverge. claims that 4:20 was the time of day that the group would meet at a statue of Louis Pasteur to smoke. has a much more elaborate story. The Waldos got a map to a pot patch, and they agreed to meet at 4:20 at the Louis Pasteur statue to go look for it. They never found the patch, but had lots of fun looking, and started using 4:20 as a code for smoking. The Waldos were huge New Riders of the Purple Sage(Jerry Garcia's country band) fans, and 4:20 spread from them to the NRPS crowd, who spread it to the Dead crowd, which is everyone, which is why 4:20 is now universal slang for anything pot related.