user since
Mon Feb 5 2001 at 19:19:37 (24.1 years ago )
last seen
Mon Jun 7 2004 at 17:06:20 (20.8 years ago )
number of write-ups
21 - View artlu's writeups (feed)
level / experience
1 (Novice) / 255
mission drive within everything
To ascend to power and greatness. Be rich and provide for many.
Computers, Engineering, Drinking, Gaming
Lehigh University/Oracle Corp.
All that is meant to be should be. - Me
most recent writeup
Dunhill Dominican
Send private message to artlu

Hello. I am 18 years old at Lehigh University in their Honors Program (IBE - Integrated Business and Engineering). I am soon going to be a member of Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. When not residing in Bethlehem, PA at Lehigh, i live with my mother in Sugarloaf, PA. I am an avid cigar smoker and keep a cigar journal which is growing quite nicely. If u want to know much more about me please check out!
E2 User Statistics
Nodes:   29      XP:       113     Cools:      4
Max Rep: 25      Min Rep:  -7      Total Rep:  105
Node-Fu: 3.8966  WNF:      6       Cool Ratio: 13.7931%
Merit:   2.5345  Devotion: 73.5    Mean:       3.6207
idea: 24.1379%  person: 3.4483%  place: 10.3448%  thing: 62.069%  

Top 5 Non-C!ed Writeups with the Highest Reputation
Cigar v-cut (.1
Cigar journal (.2
My disappointing experience as a day trader (.3
Pattern day trading (.4
January 2, 2003 (.5
eyeQ (.5
Lehigh University (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Reputation
1.) The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam 1C!
2.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
3.) Cigar v-cut
4.) The Fountainhead 1C!
4.) Cigar journal
5.) My disappointing experience as a day trader
5.) The JFK Assassination: Mafia Theory 1C!

Top 5 Writeups with the Lowest Reputation
Phi Sigma Kappa (.1
The echoing watch case (.2
The Magi (.3
Hazleton, Pennsylvania (.4
King's College (.4
Sony G400 (.4
570 (.4
Lets Get Real (.5

Top 5 Cooled Writeups with the Highest Reputation
1.) The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam 1C!
2.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
3.) The Fountainhead 1C!
4.) The JFK Assassination: Mafia Theory 1C!

Top 5 Cooled Writeups with the Lowest Reputation
1C! The JFK Assassination: Mafia Theory (.1
1C! The Fountainhead (.2
1C! My Reasons For Hating Sleep (.3
1C! The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam (.4

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Upvote Ratio
1.) The JFK Assassination: Mafia Theory 1C!
1.) Packetnews
2.) Cigar v-cut
3.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
4.) Cigar journal
4.) Pattern day trading
5.) My disappointing experience as a day trader

Top 5 Writeups with the Highest Downvote Ratio
The Magi (.1
Phi Sigma Kappa (.2
The echoing watch case (.3
King's College (.4
Sony G400 (.4
570 (.4
Hazleton, Pennsylvania (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Number of Votes
1.) The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam 1C!
2.) The Fountainhead 1C!
2.) January 2, 2003
3.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
4.) Cigar journal
5.) Cigar v-cut
5.) My disappointing experience as a day trader

Top 5 Writeups with the Least Number of Votes
Packetnews (.1
Snipers (.2
King's College (.2
Sony G400 (.2
570 (.2
The Magi (.2
Beirut (.3
Harry C. Hersker (.3
Eternity's Soul (.3
Gevalia (.4
Promo Only (.4
Hazleton, Pennsylvania (.4
Pattern day trading (.5
Ameritrade (.5
Lotus Elise (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Upvotes
1.) The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam 1C!
2.) The Fountainhead 1C!
3.) January 2, 2003
4.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
5.) Cigar v-cut
5.) Cigar journal

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Downvotes
January 2, 2003 (.1
Phi Sigma Kappa (.2
1C! The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam (.3
1C! The Fountainhead (.3
The echoing watch case (.3
The North Face (.4
Lets Get Real (.4
eyeQ (.5
Lehigh University (.5
Lotus Elise (.5
Hazleton, Pennsylvania (.5
The Magi (.5

Top 5 Writeups with the Most Cools
1.) The TI-89 Calculator That Froze During the AP Calculus Exam 1C!
1.) My Reasons For Hating Sleep 1C!
1.) The Fountainhead 1C!
1.) The JFK Assassination: Mafia Theory 1C!