Today's stuff so far: I'm cleaning up in university machines. I had tons of unnecessary stuff in my home directory, accumulated over last two years...
I installed Irssi to university IRC-and-other-fun machine as well...
The results of the clean-up operation: After unnecessary crap removed, I have used only about 20 megabytes of 50 meg disk quota.
Now, I need to clean up other places as well...
(Yaaawn.) All sorts of things work, my "designs" seem to take fundamental shape, and I've spent all votes again.
Irssi rocks too, by the way...
Ah well, looked at IMDB: Looks like Terminator's 6502 program code was for... ack, gasp... Apple II. Furthermore, some code was said to be in ... (ouch) ... COBOL.
Time to act! Let's replace the processor with 65816 (Commodore 64 + SuperCPU) and re-program the Terminator in C!!! Then we can invade Redmond!
"Cable Terminator 2"
Other day logs o' mine...
Noded today by y.t.:
A couple of nodes, can't remember what... Finalta, I think.