I dreamt two seperate things last night. In the first, a friend, Robyn, appeared to go crazy somehow. There was some talk about her sounding convincing and justifying things, even if wrong. Anyways, these two men (although I only recall seeing one) take her away briefly and then she's back. The word deprogrammed kept flashing through my mind. She seemed different after, more subdued, in a calm after the storm kind of way.

The second part seemed to be made up of parts from videogames I've been playing, mainly Zelda and Castlevania. I recall the HUD-ish thing from Zelda on screen with the control scheme of Castlevania. AT one point a bunch of characters were descending in an old, dangerous looking elevator. I somehow ended up with this weird black and red sword, although it didn't always stay in that form. I realize now that it's shaped like a sword from some old action figure. It seemed like Bad Things started to follow us after this. At some point there was a side-scrolling battle between two characters, one on a horse (he won). A big white and very polygonal man approaches. He is/was the owner of weird sword, and explains that it can be used to identify items, and there was something to do with summoning animals. All was well after that. I woke up shortly after.

I think I'll cut back on the games for a while...