When I was younger, I used to frequently experience a dull ache in my legs. Between the ages of about 9 and 13, the area between my mid-thigh and just below my knee would ache. Ache is the best word for it. It wasn't a sharp, stabbing pain; it was a dull, mild ache. Perfectly bearable without resorting to painkillers, but irritating nonetheless. It would happen frequently but without regularity, in the evenings.

Once, I complained to my Mum that my legs hurt. She told me that it was probably growing pains. This made sense. I was growing, my legs were getting longer, and maybe nerve-endings were being moved about by the lengthening bones.

Puberty, adolescence and generally growing up are not easy times. In many ways I think that I had it easier as a boy than I would have done if I were born a girl. My voice breaking, wet dreams and growing pains were the worst I had to put up with. Of all of them, I hated growing pains most.

Growing pains affect many children, and I feel sorry for them all. If you're one of Everything's younger users, and are still going through this difficult stage, don't worry. Take encouragement from the fact that they won't last forever.