I am
tallroo (hi tallroo) and I am an
E2 Editor. I won't list kills requested by the user (e.g. nuke requests). All were killed mercifully unless explicitly stated.
My quest for URL nodes continues. See Please stop noding websites and why you shouldn't use a URL as a node title for why I'm keen to do this. Thanks.
Here's my current list. Don't go voting them down - that would be dumb cos nearly all will get nuked soon anyway. Many will require a /msg to request the content be moved - others are redundant. Do msg me with comments or additions though. Thanks for your help.
Wed June 6, 2001
Some tidying, a few nuke requests and the usual flock of msgs winging their way to the careless.
Tue June 12, 2001
Fri June 29, 2001
- * Top 10 PC games - ever by
soren.harward, fondue, Picked brain, Scupper, advid,WyldWynd, Phssthpok, mocean, Orion, mirko,Triune, knar
This monstrosity was GTKY from the outset. This thing had the potential to consume over half the available freegel. Not a single positive rep, and the average was around -9. It seems that the voting public agrees with me about GTKY. Don't do it kids. Klaproth msgs all round.
- * stupid nodes (idea) by Zorin and CaptainSpam
- weak E1 definition of a problem which is hopefully getting better all the time.
* =
nodeshell destruction request too.