Capitalist, communist, fascist, oh my! What will we ever do? How about socialism? If we can't get the desired effect with one, let's muddy the waters and mix all three of 'em.

The idea of being socialist is kinda confusing, well, because communism and capitalism are not that far apart to start with, and there is much more behind the workings; other than one's for the greater good of the economy and the other is better for the interests of the individual, but we don't need to get in the all the intricate workings to understand socialism is a mixture of both. Capitalism needs sectors of the state to be under their control completely, the military is the best example. A private military just does not have the same amount of power, just think of all the benefits mercenaries miss out on. Imagine anyone other than the government with a monopoly over your sewage. I think it could stink the situation up a bit.

Now, communism is not the classless absolutism people think it is; communism gives the same share no matter the amount of labor (or education) a person has offered. Which is a fucking dumb thing to do if you think about it, because why, it goes against human nature. Why would anyone ever inspire to do more than what is at the least expected of them, why would they strive for bigger better goals if the reward was the same? How would you allocate jobs when one sector fails to meet expectations? Do you think people are just going to flock naturally to cleaning up other peoples shit? This is why no true form of either economy has ever existed. This is where socialism comes into play. It's the communism creeping into the capitalism. It's the government taking from everybody for small interest groups. It is the fascist pricks with their moral ideology creating more laws and taxes.

Let's not kid our selves here, fascism exists everywhere, but no where did it take such a radical and nasty turn as it did with the Nazi party. Genocide is rarely the answer. People with a little power do crazy things, it doesn't make it right, now does it? The same goes with people being suckered into buying crap, it doesn't mean it's not crap because everybody bought it. It's still crap. And what Obama is trying to sell us is crap. It would be different if he wasn't just signing everything he got his hands on. It's like, whoa dude, you're not actually a rock star, and those people are not asking for autographs. Those people are the congress of the Untied States of America and that is a amendment that will ratify something we like to call the Bill of Rights.

Health care is tricky. Actually, insurance is the bugger that fucks everything up. It's perfect for the people that don't know the value of their money, but that's as far as it goes. If you cannot save money yourself, these people will do it for you, but the weird thing is they're not a bank or credit union, they focus on the maybes and you'll will never get your money back. Maybe you'll get sick, maybe you're car will get smashed up, or there might even be flood or tornado. Maybe you'll need their service, maybe you wont. I don't see throwing money away on services you may never come use as rational spending. Then if you do, you might not to be covered when something does happen. Because a lapse in coverage, or because you've reached the limit even though you've paid way more into the service over the years than what they give back, and even more stupid shit like "we dropped your coverage due to..." and then they can list a whole bunch of reasons why you just wasted your money. There's always stipulations. They're always trying to fuck you in the ass, and the lube isn't always readily available. But I still don't think single payer will work for us either.

I have to wonder what a Harvard law graduate knows about the working class. I bet he's never experienced any hard, physical labor, let alone worked two jobs; I would like to see Obama during the day landscaping, and feeding hungry assholes during the evening at a Mexican restaurant. If he did he would think twice before doling out liberal amounts of cash to help the weak survive, or turning his back on his pot-smoking brethren. He doesn't know how much of a role the government should have in people's everyday lives. Oh yeah, putting out cash for old run down clunkers will help the economy, but regulating and taxing the safest non-toxic plant on Earth Obama says, "No, I don't think that will help the economy". Gee dude, which is it, liberal or conservative? He is obviously confused; he is obviously mixed about his party; he is obviously a confused socialist. If I was alive during FDR's 16 year service to the country I doubt I would have seen as much flip-flopping and centralizing of the government that Obama has done in less than a half a year. It's no wonder why he's already taking a family vacation to see Yellow Stone and the Grand Canyon on one of the 147 free days offered this summer to promote tourism and help the local economies, no less.

So my feeling on this rambling cluster-fuck of a debate is simple, why should I, or anyone else for that matter, pony up for lame-brained individuals that can't take care of the situation. When do we draw the line, how much of our income must be diverted before peoples eyes start to open? Control your own lives. If you don't, someone will do it for you and when they do; and they will, you will not like the choices they are making for you. They don't know your problems, or your situation, and they don't learn much watching us from that hill.

And yes some things like when someone consciously acts annoying by pulling the race card, and or, even by acting like a valley girl, that makes be me bitter. When my country looks to be going to hell in a hand basket for a handsome and friendly smile, that makes me bitter. Bitter works for some people, and when I find my voice, all y'all that don't like it can kiss my ass because I'll be gone to spend what I got paid for speaking my mind on a the largest glass of lager the barkeep can muster up. Then and there I will make an honorable toast to being bitter. You can join me in spirit, but during these hard and troublesome times I prefer my solace. Especially when I've been drinking, my words flow much more free, and I take little consideration to any sort of dilution for my narration. It might be a little short-winded sometimes, but that's because I've got people to do and things to see.

August 18, 2009 | August 24, 2009