I loved the A-Team. One episode I saw climaxed with the helicopter containing the bad guys crashing into the side of a cliff. It exploded, and the burning wreckage landed on the beach. Seconds later, the four bad guys staggered out holding their heads and saying things like "Ohhhh, my head...". They were then arrested. The charge was probably something to do with the laws of physics.

Anyway, here is the plot formula for any episode of the A-Team:

Good guys get terrorised by nasty bad guys. Head bad guy usually breaks something, or crushes it under his foot. Cue sinister music stab.

Good guys contact the A-Team. Hannibal gets the message during a break while filming his tv show. He calls the team together.

Damn - Murdock's banged up in the looney bin, and the team needs him for something. Faceman and someone else are sent to bust him out, under strict orders to use some overly elaborate scheme (like posing as doctors or brain specialists) despite the fact that the hospital seems to be one of those zero-security places where you can check yourself in and out. Also despite the fact that the same people check him back in after every adventure, and would presumably have power of attorney or whatever to take him out whenever they pleased, perfectly legally.

The team join up. They have to fly somewhere, but BA won't fly. They give him a drugged cheeseburger/glass of milk and knock him out for the flight, despite his protestations that he ain't goin on no plane, man, and he ain't takin no drugged milk. When they arrive, they convince him they drove there, and that he just slept for the long drive.

The team get to the location, and start sorting out the bad guys. During an over-confident moment, they are captured, and placed in a large warehouse/building. Things look grim.

Just as the situation seems to be hopeless, the gang decide to make one last bid for glory. In an amazing stroke of luck, they discover that the building they are in contains oxyacetylene welding gear, several sheets of bulletproof metal, one or more old cars/farming vehicles, and lots of petrol/gasoline/boomboom liquid (see also the later, weaker seasons of MacGyver). Then follows a montage, which contains at least one shot of BA welding something. The plan is crazy, but so crazy it just might work.

The gang bust out of the building, and cause all sorts of destructive mayhem. Murdock may or may not sing something in German, very loudly and comically. Thousands of bullets are fired, not a single one hitting anybody. The bad guys are caught off guard, and defeated. They may be in a helicopter that crashes, depending on that week's budget. Either way, they end up confused, weakened, and holding their heads in pain.

The team have a last chat with the good guys, before Colonel Decker turns up (and just misses them). Sadly, the team can't stay and live with them, they're wanted criminals, and have to move on. They all say goodbye, then Murdock usually does something crazy. We freeze-frame as BA takes a swing at him/throws him into some water, while everyone laughs.

The End - repeat every week, until even the kids spot the formula. Ah, those were the days...