fourteen words about love |
Thirteen words about love |
You think time is moving fast now, just wait til you're 26 |
Don't node drunk |
Memories are meant to fade : They're designed that way for a reason |
Reification |
It's in the details |
three little words |
Wild Strawberries |
One point five words about love |
The absence of onions |
September 8, 2005 |
Koine |
Twelve words about love |
On the Road with My Pet Goat |
It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead |
One billion, five hundred million words about love |
haiku are nice until there are too many in one place |
Hopeless mistake. Stay here forever. |
The twelve words of power |
couch with Anna |
Fifty one words about love |