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Fifteen words about love (personal)
See all of Fifteen words about love
, there are 20 more in this node.
Pandeism Fish
Sun Jan 05 2014 at 18:19:55
Use me as your
punching bag
, anytime.
Just don't forget the
I let you.
fourteen words about love
Thirteen words about love
You think time is moving fast now, just wait til you're 26
Don't node drunk
Memories are meant to fade : They're designed that way for a reason
It's in the details
three little words
Wild Strawberries
One point five words about love
The absence of onions
September 8, 2005
Twelve words about love
On the Road with My Pet Goat
It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands, I even knew they were dead
One billion, five hundred million words about love
haiku are nice until there are too many in one place
Hopeless mistake. Stay here forever.
The twelve words of power
couch with Anna
Fifty one words about love