Jawbox was initially composed of guitarist J. Robbins, bassist Kim Coletta, drummer Adam Wade. Adam left after their debut album and was replaced by Zach Barocas. Bill Barbot joined on second guitar after the first album as well.


Also released was a posthumous collection of live tracks, Peel sessions, B-Sides, and covers called My Scrapbook of Fatal Accidents. It was released on Robbins's own DeSoto Records.

Jawbox were the first band to leave Dischord for a major label. And when one understands just how much Dischord prides itself as being a completely non-commercial entity, this becomes a big deal. They were trashed by scenesters and fanzine writers everywhere. Which is too bad because For Your Own Special Sweetheart turned out to be their best album.

After the breakup, Robbins formed Burning Airlines along with Barbot. Burning Airlines retains the complex guitars of Jawbox and takes them in a more pop-oriented direction.

J. also sidelines as super producer extraordinaire. He's produced records by Texas Is The Reason, The Jazz June, The Dismemberment Plan, Braid, Bluetip, Compound Redand others.