I just registered to vote in South Carolina.
I should have done so when I registered my car and transferred my driver's license from Maryland, but I didn't for a reason: it would have put me in the pool for jury duty. I've been called too many times, and served when required and not excused. Grand Jury and District Courts. County duty, civil and criminal. I've never known anyone who has been called up so many times.
One of the reasons I moved to South Carolina was to take care of my parents (89 and 90 years, bless them). It seems I can be excused when they need me to take care of the household. We'll see how that works. My last excuse for avoiding registration is a goner. So, why haven't you registered?
I'm a liberal in a conservative state, so I know that any way I vote might be a throw-away in this year's presidential election. But I can not, and will not, let a candidate who praises Vladimir Putin be elected as my president without casting my vote for someone else. I'm going to stop reading the opinion polls just for intellectual curiosity. I will study state referendums and read about the Senators and Representatives on the ballot. I might vote for a third-party candidate, but I suspect I will opt for Hillary Clinton. It's my choice, and @#*% it's yours to make, too.
Register if you haven't done so.
Vote, even if you think your choice is a throw-away.
Vote after work even if the exit polls don't seem to reflect your opinion.
If you don't vote, I don't want to hear you complain just because you thought it wasn't worth the effort. Or you are pissed that your candidate isn't on the official ballot in your state. Or worse: you don't want to vote for a candidate that might lose the election.