...And then there's Macky

Macky is a poet that I and a close friend met in Washington Square Park (where else?). I was carrying around a carboard sign that read:

composed on the spot for
75 cents

(Yes I can compose 5-7-5 haikus on demand; I sold two that day.)

And he asked to use my pen and write on the back of the sign, so of course I gave it to him and he wrote a poem about materialism and false gods. It was really quite good. (Though I don't have it anymore. I gave it to above mentioned friend, who is far more outgoing than I am and who was doing most of the talking with Macky.)
Macky has 6 fingers on both hands. The 6th finger isn't functional, it is a sort of outgrowth of his thumb. He calls himself "Macky" because the letters of that name are spelled out in the lines on his palms.

Of course I never saw him again, though at times I'll be in Washington Square Park two or three times a week. Random strangers you remember can be forgotten when they're not strangers anymore.