...And I thought this was something out of a
Kevin Smith movie (because of the use of diners in
Chasing Amy)...
I went to the Campus Sugar Bowl, a diner right outside of Brooklyn College. I hauled myself in to the counter, but I saw too many people I know to just sit by the counter. There's the girl from art class, Rebeka. One of the guys from the Macintosh lab in the Art department was talking to John J., the guy from the Television & Radio department video lab. And Hal, the chair of the TV&R was talking to my favorite professor - Susan Murray.
I ordered a Caesar Salad with grilled chicken, a cup of soup, and a chocolate milkshake. Too bad the diner doesn't serve Matzoh ball soup... I always call this place the sister city to Café Edison.
The moment the waitress came back with the salad, I went in to introduce myself to Hal. And I said hello to Susan as always because I like her. Okay, I admire Susan because she's my first TV&R professor who's smart and good-looking. Besides, I had this plan to buy something from one of the jewelry stores of NYC to suprise her. Yeah... pearl earrings... Reminds me of The Pearl from my Medieval English Verse book as I am writing this...
While I was on the way to devouring my salad, Hal and Susan was finished with lunch and they were leaving. Susan went up to me and said this:
"Kit, I don't want to tell you this in front of Hal (because he already knew about this), but I'm leaving this Fall. I have a new job in NYU. I'll still be here for the Summer, but that's it."
Yup, I think I have to buy the earrings before my vacation...