Salm-Salm, Prince Felix, a German military officer; born in Anholt, Prussia, Dec. 25, 1828. He attained his first rank as an officer in the Prussian army; later entered the Austrian service, but was forced to resign on account of pecuniary difficulties; in 1861 came to the United States and as a volunteer served in the Union army during the Civil War, attaining the brevet rank of Brigadier-General of volunteers. In 1866 he entered the service of Maximilian, the Emperor of Mexico; soon gained the confidence of the emperor, and was made chief of the imperial household and aide-de-camp to his majesty. On the overthrow of the empire, he returned to Europe, reëntered the Prussian army as major in the Grenadier Guards; participated in the battle of Gravelotte in the Franco-Prussian War Aug. 18, 1870, in which he was killed.
Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.