Salm-Salm, Princess (Agnes Leclerq), an American heroine; born in Baltimore, Md., Dec. 25, 1840. After winning some reputation as an actress, in 1862 she married Prince Salm-Salm and accompanied him in his campaigns. She was regularly comissioned as a captain in the volunteer service of the United States in recognition of her untiring devotion to the Union cause. After the Civil War in the United States she joined her husband in the City of Mexico, and insisted on accompanying him, armed with a revolver, on a scouting trip to the interior. Separated from him and left behind in the City of Mexico, she had many serious and exciting adventures. At the battle of Gravelotte she was on the field with a corps of army nurses and was thus enabled to reach her husband's side after he was shot; not, however, in time to see him again alive. In 1876 she married Charles Heneage and afterward living in Bonn. In the spring of 1899 she visited the United States where she was enthusiastically welcomed.

Entry from Everybody's Cyclopedia, 1912.

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